
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Great Reviews for Gladiator Girl

BigAl's Books and Pals, one of the most respected reviewers of Kindle independently published books, gave Gladiator Girl a four star review. Calling it, "character driven science fiction," he said, "It is these very human struggles that make Lucy’s story so good, and Gladiator Girl a worthwhile read."

Susan's Kindle Samples reviews a book's sample first chapters. For Gladiator Girl, that's from the beginning through most of chapter three. Susan said, "This sample introduces a wow of a first novel.  The author has created a realistic world with fully fleshed customs, mores, and technology. The story grabs your attention and doesn’t let go." Then she ended the review with, "As soon as I finished my first read-through, I hopped back onto Amazon and bought the entire book.  And I will be looking for this author’s future books as well."

Monday, February 14, 2011

We're Finally Available for the Nook!

It took forever—two and a half months—but the Barns and Noble Nook team finally got what-ever-it-was straightened out. Gladiator Girl went on sale in the Nook store last week. However, because I didn't have access to update the book file durning the delay, the version they had was out dated. The latest version fixes several small proofreading errors, and makes one significant change in the manuscript: The first two sentences of the book have been switched around.

I updated the file last week, and as of today, this evening, the latest version is the one available. Nook owners, and Kindle owners will both be buying the same updated version. Although the Google ebook store has the new version, they have yet to update their store listing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gladiator Girl is in the Google eBook Store

Google seems to be getting their ebook store ready for the introduction of Android 3.0 powered tablets. Typical for Google, the Partner Program that lets small publishers and independent authors list their ebooks is in beta. The help topics are scattered, but one persistent afternoon was enough to figure out most of the process. The staff seemed responsive, both in the user forums, and in answering email questions, although answers took two or three days.

The end result is right here, Gladiator Girl, Google ebookstore.

On a side note, unfortunately, the Nook version is still trapped in limbo. Despite two months of helpful sounding email replies and pleasant conversations with eager service reps, the book is still "processing." Until this is resolved, Nook owners should be able to buy and read the Google version. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

New R. H. Watson Site

Since this blog is necessarily focused on marketing Gladiator Girl and my future work, I started a new site where I can blog beyond, "buy this"; but yes, do buy this.

The first posting is, Scott Pilgrim Meets StarStruck. What's that about? Read it and find out.

StarStruck is one of the key works that has influenced my sense of story telling, and I am sure it pervades Gladiator Girl more than I realize. There is one overt reference to StarStruck in Gladiator Girl. Can you find it?